HomeMy WebLinkAboutbalmoral jockey club; arlington international race track RESOLUTION CPF 1. 1°'1 V,, THE CR NTIND C' RA IM DAM TO TIM DATIM L JCCOY CLM 70 BE Atli, 70 14M AKLTtVTM FAIM MCrV SUSC90 WMVW8# the is nm pendirqg before the n1inals Races Ord a request by the Ram: J Mub for pormlission to 4pavate a racing t .`mr tha 0 ""a aads the BW Beard has now under conatldvirstion a proposal, the effect of which would 4W eighteen 18a stMitional racing dates to the track aid facilities of the Arlington Park Raaee Track# and WMEA3,9 by ream of the stctady ark constant growth of papulatimp iadaatw sft of hmaac and other structures housing or aWleVing mxwrous peoples, the f6clUtiea of the V112xV of Arlington Heights,, im3nding traffic controls publie nnd fire protection have beat strainad and tarred on behalf of the taxpayers of the Villome'r ads RRASs the ire *t the volume of traffic and Population has soft hazardo m to motor vehicles tind pedestrians certain through meta much an !Torthweat I his Central Road# Kticth off Road, Suclid Avenue„ 1 .attine Road„ Foundry Road# 'Milk* Road# :state Rid and other streets within the V1214#„ and VAIM4, the present season of the ftwk has 'thrown an undas burden on the twTamw of the Village for policing wt traffic control.* wA WHM2;,AS* the season at the present tip co erg ca ba f of the vacation ,r,erlod of the public and parochial gromr and high sehoo&s within the .V L et and causes the Village streets to b (ate dangerous to ehtUt and yotag People ning about their recreational activity prior to, cuing and at the close ct the how of raciWp atria WIMAS,p the addition or acteimion of the ck dates and the use of the Arli.r taw Fork ITrack facili.tics would lowasurably incream the nor twist hazardcta and add to the strain of traffic and police control a increas6 the bu " +o` t..`ar taxpayers Of the V llaWO ands A # this VWsge has baitwttatare in ,point actions with the Village of Alt. Prospect and the City. of Rallixlg AMadow apps Smote Bi3.1 6W of iAe 3,9* Legislature ext*ndim. the Arlington Park season,# 'etch sW RJU after M"ficati Sb *.U" to m Of the stew and the tWw of this district ru*Uwd in C tt", and WBMAS# no nottfication wW had JW the VIlUge of it# pWaft Int~ In the Matter row b*MM then =ice Rolft Board. NOW IMMM' t * be it i t r the 1"gi B t it Of th* TMOR& Of ArUngton R414hts ftat the moos Placing Board derjr tho 801tion of atrtr track dates to the ti at the ArlljWton Perk Eck, acrd 10 ZT MTW RE SST that the Board grent, to to ViUagp of ArliVgton t 44% is lrNd hood on the matter of peke Interest heroln Motloftd,, ands BE IT FWFM RESMM that the Att 1* tho Vinage pzesent this R _ tion to the Board md qMW in aE cvt of ths ro t bogdg artgk, .4 l� M000mbsr tl, 3.M We ♦• � aerttrq� 360 �M� alseot ��e 3331/el/ DNr �• 1Mteet . tseoaaNt to W tolopham canwrostian with Jots I an 6002.00irg Mrs" w fdamim 3►. arporeto 2sture to tho cbalr• and HoAm re or tie !-=A with aeoelatiaee attached relative to the aalmaral recin ous• to lottA4rsM owban of ow letter to lho Mistr m sad Mnabtmh st the Dowd. 50 ariilpal with eartitieation attached ttioa a a the acapivim the letter to d r n a" Nodwa of the Sande It is rrgmt .and lVerstiw that this tenor be m tie apads of to Dowd Aw modgs 25, 1957. ftoddtt >w !tie yew "W% 0►i I rs Are'M'! tsali► 1'�+ts'oa of Arli=lblow and ,. Dowd at Local Is Wtm �w. 3 t STEPHEN JURCO ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW I I SOUTH LA SALLE ST_ CHICAGO 3 DEARBORN+ 2-2107 Riot Wre Vol 3ardart Cbstmu od MUM. wMim so der . inois Racing Board 160 north 143ol10 Str"t y.� t ntle men t 1 an aftsehing herein copy of ths AssWxtion filed with M S000AWY by the MUP Board of Arlington , inoi* oft 1404diWs fir lq, 19$7 with- rs t to the im of the racAM dates fbr the Wamal Jockey Club. JbU nosa tion jo pfteented in ardw that it VMU WOW 00 yovr sgwWW fw Xasdow# Awwber 25, 1957 for birs Vance vo*7 wMh fm ymr 0010rtesYs I 410s very Uvdv yaw$ D STEPHEN JURCO ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 1i SOUTH LA SALLE ST_ CHICAGO 3 DE..bo-. 2-2107 e�emter 3, 1951 President and Board of Trustees Village of Arlington "eights Arlington heights, Illinois Rot Resolution Arlington Park Track Gentlement In compliance with your request of November 19, 19K'7 relative to the presentation of the Resolution of the Hoard of Trustees of the Village of Arlington Heights In gj.oeition to the extension of the track., dates at Arlington Park, a copy of t-wI attached Resolution was filed before the Illino•_'i Racin# Board on Thursday, 1�cvember 21, 1957. This was then F.laced on the, agenda of the I11inoia Racing Board for its meeting of 1-11onday, November 25,1 that being the same date a9 the hearings cr, the extension of the track dates. On F'rtda;,, November 22, 1911^, I received a telept.one call from 1-;r. Ben Lindheimer of Arlington Fark, tndicat 'ng t!.at he would like to confer with the respective Village Yresi;�ents and t:-6 r attorneys relative tc o.ir protest and a i ossibility of vorkinF o,it an aiaicable arrangement in the event the Board saw fit to extend the track time. I agreed that this would have the effect of airing out our mutual problems and acceded to the suggestion, and notified our Village President, who in turn got in touch with the Village of Mount Prospect, advising them of the contemplated meeting, and I in turn got in touch with Mr, John Doyle, City Attorney for Rolling Meadows, receiving a favorable response from him. Tt,ereupen, 1 confirmed with Hr, Undheimer the willingness of the three Villages tc discuss this matter with him tnei nest day, Saturday morning, which was 3one. Iete Friday night Xr. Doyle advised me that he would not he stile t,o be present at the meeting due to a Lunting engagement which he had previously comitted himael-f upon, but tt,at Mavor Northcote, who might or might not be present, would at least arrange to nave a representative of the City there. Kr#-Theodore Lama of Mount Prospert appeared at the meeting, and, while their attorney could not be present, Trustee Miller ra.-e in hia place. .1pon atterV±i:; to verify the presence of a rep.Mesentative of Roiling Meadows, a call to Mr, Northcote'a hnne indicated that he could not be present at the last minute and felt that inasmuch as he could not be present r.or Mr. Doyle, he did r,ot wish to have anyone also represent the City. ] rssmwnt and Board of Trwrtses -2 Doeember 3, 1957 ' pom, for tesetiag on Batmda arming was attended hq ! Oselisls, arealf as the Village Attorney, Mpor Los of lsosant Prospect sod �e VLU*r at yAnat Prospect, amd three represontatipes of tr track, •, W, Bea itmrdbsimsr, W. Isith Watherfeeds and Mr. HISM Berpr. . After W. Carlisle and Mr. Loa both presented the problems of the jurntsw r"il3agee with reference to traffics and in the case of Arlington IbiAMs related problem arising free personnel is the Village, Mr. Undhelser, Ijj segjdsW sees of the problems indicated that tW Sara GIMMLing mvoh sore o !senor control over personnel bpr increasing the facilities OR the Mismsalves, and are making an intensive study to relieve traffic problems. respect be indicated that vhatsver additional personnel and expense w+o^il.d be ebsrgeable to the increase of the now of traf fie due to the tracks they wire ullll to take ears of its and if tho,basden became too�e� ike would the l M diNass this matt" again. In additico, there w s IWroaoon t in the aria wi th re spe Zn c t to roadways and the s that ai�t possibly be relieved when the toll road& came through. light of the prises and the statements by 14r.6 Weatherford in support of hlr. Lindh imer s agreements it nos felt by both Mount Prospect and Arlington heights that it would be to our best advantage to elicit the co-operation of the track and to abide by the verbal agreement to do so. At the hearing on Monday earning bOw the Racing Board the Redolut i cn which I had previously sent to the Board was admitted into the record of the hearing. At a request as to whetter we wished to withdraw this Resolution I indicated to the Board that we did not, and that the Resolution represented the decision of the Board of Trustees acting on behalf of the people of Arlington Heigbiss and that my only other statement would be that the Board should consider in light of the agreement made to us by the Arlington Park Track that they would oo-operste in bandli the mutual problems. . We therefore would expect them to do so and wish the Board to males that a part of the record also. In view at the fact that the experience of this present yew will be evidonoe as to whether or not this will work in the interests of the people of Arlington Beightos it might be men to remember that this Board can submit another Resolution at aq time to the Racing Boards indicating that the praaises made tc this Village have hot been ccmplied with and that it should be considered next year when application is made for renewal of these racing dates. In view of the fact that the Resolution and my statements to the Board are a part of the record and transcript at these proosedings, they can be referred to at my subsequent tim< Should there be WW amplification necessary on the remarks that I have m6 I would be very happy to do so to this Board at any tics* Very truly yours, Stephan Jurco, Attarney Village of Arlington asigbts Shan s LOT O 11 zyt ()PPLQ2TI,-* TO THY GUNTM CY RAC LM DA W.' TO TO SA11 MAAl. JGCur CLuB TO WE CDC TO ME ARLMT OW PARK RACrM SZA. , WHIRL1S, thdxv is mm yvndirAg tlofaan the n-Unoo Baoint Hoare! a rsgaoat by UA BaIncral Jockey Clab for pondesion to opento a racing ywot tae the 1950 aosso: slid, WMXM a, tte said Heard am now urdet eo,meidaratioao a proposal, th+s affect of WfIch xvazld add eig,ntoen (18) rjGing data$ to tL* t,reck and facilities of the ulingten Park Arcot Track,, •,,a A(M, ASg by resam of the rteedi;• Are: ec4 utact growth of pavulatiOr:, tha in*repav of ;z. a srr' other atrwturos nmiir4 or emmiplmying mmerotut ;. e>p-lea, the facilities of t * tillev_�e >S kr?trgton kki&r`s, l-clneing traffic contr-�2, public and fire j.rutectier± °.aarr h•,��; �wsRi.Ua: r�. taxed cc )e'yelt of the twTaTerm a* 'Wie T'i azs, rnd CAB, the Increase of t* r'a1cm of tratfla and popUstion has made haaardom to motor vehicles and pedoetariaru certain thresh streets sash as Northwest higInw, Contra: Rood, Katc,"I:a*! t*xd, S C'Ud Avonus, Prlotins RoeC, Foundry Road, WLIks Rood, State Rood err., otter streets within the Villate, akcd id IPJAB, ttaa present sessav of tze Tree?r tat ti,*.rcr , an u-dae Eurde OR the t=P"rs of ttie Tillage for j alisirg +cud trs tic no tral, and WHxkkmq tins eeaaan at I.-.e c..warac a:7t-':s2f ^! t'.• �raca;ti period of the yab.lio and paronhirl rra .sr •ry) high schools ttit-U tbs VLU*gs easd remote tte Village &tzeeeta to k-.*c«ra to ehLVran Wo yarnd people Sob* about t.•►rir recreational netivity =riot tot, luring and at tGe elcxe d the hours of ra►e 1, V. aid, laFM2UW9 tote aelt!itioe of err' .Grirx. c.' th* 7r9ok -I*teev a214 tas too of the Arlingt;.n Park '!rack htiLitiek xyuld ixm svurstl• - increase the : cw es istLc? haaards, and add to the attain of traffic and pall** contral WW increasr the burdon of tt» taxpayers of the rills( , and', WUMW, this Village bas **re te)f or-3 in joint action xi`.A the Village of Xt. Prospect and the MY cf R611ilk, Meadow ap,xoserd Saute Bill 6012 of flit 1957 lwgialatz rs a xte=ding t!% Artirgton Park season, Which said Bill. after Po tication ,by the abwm comes itiss to the aaverncr of the Rate and the lftialstaee of this dietrist ramsirwd in Camittee, and Yom, me notification w had tQ th& Village of its public interest In to utter am befwe the minds wacic ward. _ t WN DIZRWClttI, be it resolved by the Wesideat and the Dowd of IMteea 4R w •illag& of Vrllagien lkl4lbta that the IIlinda laeiet Dowd dwW the &edition of erW track date& to the wish!" seaw at the Arlington Park !rack, ands N IT ru llu usury D that the eaard grant to the Village of Arlington •iglus a date to be beard an the matter of public interest bwein awtioardp sail . I? TWSM RXKLV ZU that Vv* Attaamy far the Vl.11ap ➢recant this Basee]ation tr the Board errd apprar In rapport of the j oq� berein stag.